Profusion - PDU

New Innovative Solutions


We are thrilled to announce the launch of Profusion™ - a revolutionary breakthrough in power distribution technology offering customers one of the industry-best lead times, exceptional quality and performance standards so that data centers last longer, enhancing uptime and reducing operating costs. Profusion is an all-in-one PDU platform fully integrated with a sectionalized main disconnect, a high-quality K-rated transformer along with an isolated power distribution cabinet equipped with Branch Circuit metering and monitoring devices (BCMM). All performance data is locally displayed on a door-mounted touchscreen and remotely available through a secured LAN. 

A list of industry standards and building codes

Profusion delivers proven performance through rigorous, accredited lab testing complying with leading industry standards for emission limits, Transient voltage surges, electrostatic discharges, electromagnetic fields, and seismically qualified through shake table testing according to building codes (IBC and CBC)

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